✨ Intro
Intersectionality and your lived experiences are vital in understanding your unique neurodistinctions, and types of environments that are safe and supportive.
- Brain and sensory differences, and being neurodivergent, are still relatively new terms to understand.
- You might have relatives and friends who have never heard of these.
- In your journey in understanding yourself it is important to know how intersections take shape in your own life.
- The subtle nuances of the environment you exist in can be heightened as a neurodistinct or neurodivergent person.
- These intersections could be between gender identity, religion, culture, race, socioeconomic status, age and sexual orientation.
✨ Resources and Information
Our resources explore intersectional neurodistinctions, that include online platforms, researchers, and social media accounts.
We invite you to explore and contemplate these ideas and also encourage you to share your own recommendations.
✨ Thank You
We would like to express our utmost gratitude for the feedback and engagement we receive from our community.
Your input allows us to continually improve and ensure the relevance and impact of our work.
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✨ Accounts in order:
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TikTok: Hashtags
#autisticwomen #latediagnosedautistic #audhder #autistictiktok #actuallyautistic #neurodivergent #sensoryoverload #autismingirls #adhdinwomen #blackandautistic #blackautistic #intersectionality #intersectional #neurodiversity #adhdautism #indigenousneurodivergent #transneurodivergent #queerneurodivergent #neuroqueer #queertime #lgbtqiaplus #stimming
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Coach/Consultant to ADHD Entrepreneurs
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Afrowalkers: antiracist sensory cartography
Joy Helena González-Güeto
Sensory cartography is a mediation tool that incorporates sensory information into maps, expanding the universe of understanding of social phenomena and spaces. Afrowalkers’ project uses this methodology to structure, stimulate and innovate the mediation process. At the same time, it allows us to make the project visible in the city and activates memory and embodied listening. This cartographic mediation process aims to:
- highlight the link between emotions, racialized bodily sensations and places in the city and,
- consolidate collective proposals for the transformation of the peripheral neighbourhoods of Madrid into a comfortable, pleasant and safe space for the Afro-descendant, African and Black people who inhabit it.
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🤗 Thank you and we look forward to welcoming you to SULCI WORLD
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